LDOM-Basic-concept-555x330.jpg' alt='Solaris 10 Kernel Patch Level' title='Solaris 10 Kernel Patch Level' />The C1. K problemHelp save the best Linux news source on the web subscribe to Linux Weekly News. Its time for web servers to handle ten thousand clients simultaneously. After all, the web is a big place now. And computers are big, too. You can buy a 1. 00. MHz machine. with 2 gigabytes of RAM and an 1. Mbitsec Ethernet card for 1. Lets see at 2. KHz, 1. Kbytes, and 5. Kbitssec per client. F0AfwNuQ/U2njLf4IjSI/AAAAAAAACtE/2AxBzIHefgk/s1600/overview-solaris10-migration-solaris11.jpg' alt='Solaris 10 Kernel Patch Level' title='Solaris 10 Kernel Patch Level' />
It shouldnt take any more horsepower than that to take four kilobytes. That works out to 0. Those. 1. 00client licensing fees some operating systems charge are starting to. So hardware is no longer the bottleneck. In 1. 99. 9 one of the busiest ftp sites, cdrom. Gigabit Ethernet pipe. As of 2. 00. 1, that same speed is now. ISPs. who expect it to become increasingly popular with large business customers. And the thin client model of computing appears to be coming back in. Internet, serving. With that in mind, here are a few notes on how to configure operating. The discussion. centers around Unix like operating systems, as thats my personal area. Windows is also covered a bit. See Nick Blacks execellent Fast UNIX Servers. In October 2. 00. Felix von Leitner put together an excellent web page. One of his observations is that the 2. Linux kernel really does beat the 2. OS developers food for thought for some time. See also the Slashdot. Felixs results. Search. Use this form to search for information on validated cryptographic modules. If you havent read it already, go out and get a copy of. Unix Network Programming Networking Apis Sockets and Xti Volume 1. Files/Diagrams/WebJob-High-Level-Diagram.jpg' alt='Solaris 10 Kernel Patch Level' title='Solaris 10 Kernel Patch Level' />Home Products Manufacturers CISCO. For complete online shopping and ordering or for current price and availability, please visit our eStore. In computing, Physical Address Extension PAE, sometimes referred to as Page Address Extension, is a memory management feature for the x86 architecture. Oracle Database. Quick Installation Guide. Release 1 12. 1 for Oracle Solaris on SPARC 64Bit E5510006. July 2017. This guide describes how to quickly. W. Richard Stevens. It describes many of the IO. It even talks about the thundering herd problem. And while youre at it, go read Jeff Darcys notes on high performance server design. Another book which might be more helpful for those. Building Scalable Web Sites by Cal Henderson. Prepackaged libraries are available that abstract some of the techniques presented below. Intended audience System Administrators, Graphics Programmers, Researchers, and others with knowledge of the Linux or Solaris operating systems, OpenGL and GLX, and. Datasheet for the Solaris 9 Operating System. The Solaris 9 OS Is Secure Network Security. Solaris Secure Shell. Solaris Secure Shell software enables strong. With well over a decade of Oracle experience from version 6 to 11g, I have had my share of interviewing prospective DBA employees in a range from Junior to Senior DBAs. The C10K problem Help save the best Linux news source on the web subscribe to Linux Weekly News Its time for web servers to handle ten thousand clients. A kernel is the most fundamental component of a computer operating system. A comparison of system kernels can provide insight into the design and architectural. Brendan Greggs homepage I use this site to share various things, mostly my work with computers, specifically, computer performance analysis and methodology. ACE, a heavyweight C IO framework. IO strategies. and many other useful things. In particular, his Reactor is an OO way of doing nonblocking IO, and. Proactor is an OO way of doing asynchronous IO. ASIO is an C IO framework. Boost library. Its like ACE updated for. C. IO framework by Niels Provos. It supports kqueue and select. Its level triggered only, I think. Niels has. a nice graph of time to handle one event. It shows kqueue and sysepoll. My own attempts at lightweight frameworks sadly, not kept up to date. Poller is a lightweight C. IO framework that implements a level triggered readiness API using whatever underlying. API you want poll, select, devpoll, kqueue, or sigio. Its useful for benchmarks that compare. APIs. This document links to. Poller subclasses below to illustrate how each of the readiness APIs. C IO framework that was my second try. Poller. Its lgpl so its easier to use in commercial apps and. C so its easier to use in non C apps. It was used in some commercial. Matt Welsh wrote a paper. April 2. 00. 0 about how to balance the use of worker thread and. The paper describes part of his Sandstorm IO framework. Cory Nelsons Scale IO library for Windows. Designers of networking software have many options. Here are a few. Whether and how to issue multiple IO calls from a single thread. Dont use blockingsynchronous calls throughout, and possibly use multiple threads or processes to achieve concurrency. Use nonblocking calls e. ONONBLOCK to start IO. OK to start the next IO on that channel. Generally only usable with network IO, not disk IO. Use asynchronous calls e. IO, and completion notification e. IO finishes. Good for both network and disk IO. How to control the code servicing each client. Unix approach, used since 1. OS level thread handles many clients each client is controlled by. GNU state threads, classic Java with green threads. OS level thread for each client e. Java with native threads. OS level thread for each active client e. Tomcat with apache front end NT completion ports thread pools. Whether to use standard OS services, or put some code into the. Vx. D. The following five combinations seem to be popular. Serve many clients with each thread, and use nonblocking IO and level triggered readiness notification. Serve many clients with each thread, and use nonblocking IO and readiness change notification. Serve many clients with each server thread, and use asynchronous IOserve one client with each server thread, and use blocking IOBuild the server code into the kernel. This is the traditional favorite. With this scheme, the kernel tells you whether a file descriptor is ready. The name level triggered comes from computer hardware. Jonathon Lemon introduced the terms in his. BSDCON 2. 00. 0 paper on kqueue. Note its particularly important to remember that readiness notification from the. Thats why its important to use nonblocking mode when using. An important bottleneck in this method is that read or sendfile. Same thing goes for memory mapped disk files. The first time a server needs disk IO, its process blocks. This is what asynchronous IO is for, but on systems that lack AIO. IO can also get around this. One approach is to use memory mapped files. IO is needed, ask a worker to do the IO. Jef Poskanzer mentions that. Pai, Druschel, and Zwaenepoels 1. Flash web server uses this trick they gave a talk at. Usenix 9. 9 on it. It looks like mincore is available in BSD derived Unixes. Solaris, but is not part. Single Unix Specification. Its available as part of Linux as of kernel 2. Chuck Lever. in November 2. Vivek Pei et al reported. Flash web server. One bottleneck they found was. Another was the fact that sendfile blocks on disk access. EWOULDBLOCK. when the disk page its fetching is not yet in core. Not sure how you tell the user the page is now resident. The end result of their optimizations is a Spec. Web. 99 score of about 8. GHZ1. GB Free. BSD box, which is better than anything on. There are several ways for a single thread to tell which of a set of nonblocking sockets are ready for IO. Unfortunately, select is limited to FDSETSIZE handles. This limit is compiled in to the standard library and user programs. Some versions of the C library let you raise this limit at user app compile time. There is no hardcoded limit to the number of file descriptors poll can handle. Some OSs e. g. Solaris 8 speed up poll et al by use of techniques like poll hinting. Niels Provos for Linux in 1. This is the recommended poll replacement for Solaris. The idea behind devpoll is to take advantage of the fact that often. With devpoll, you get an open handle to devpoll, and. OS just once what files youre interested in by writing to that handle. It appeared quietly in Solaris 7. Sun. at 7. 50 clients, this has 1. Various implementations of devpoll were tried on Linux, but. Linux is not recommended. Caution the example is for Linux devpoll, might not work right on Solaris. This is the recommended poll replacement for Free. BSD and, soon, Net. BSD. See below. kqueue can specify either edge triggering or level triggering. Readiness change notification or edge triggered readiness notification. It then assumes you. EWOULDBLOCK error on a send, recv, or accept call, or a send or recv transfers. When you use readiness change notification, you must be prepared for spurious. This is the opposite of level triggered readiness notification. Its a bit less forgiving of programming mistakes, since. Nevertheless, I have found that edge triggered readiness notification. Open. SSL easier, so its worth trying. Physical Address Extension Wikipedia. In computing, Physical Address Extension PAE, sometimes referred to as Page Address Extension,1 is a memory management feature for the x. PAE was first introduced by Intel in the Pentium Pro, and later by AMD in the Athlon processor. It defines a page table hierarchy of three levels instead of two, with table entries of 6. CPUs to directly access a physical address space larger than 4 gigabytes 2. The page table structure used by x. CPUs when operating in long mode further extends the page table hierarchy to four levels, extending the virtual address space, and uses additional physical address bits at all levels of the page table, extending the physical address space. It also uses the topmost bit of the 6. NX bit, indicating that code cannot be executed from the associated page. The NX feature is also available in protected mode when these CPUs are running a 3. PAE. HistoryeditPAE was first implemented in the Intel Pentium Pro in 1. PAE is supported by the Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III, and Pentium 4 processors. The first Pentium M family processors Banias introduced in 2. PAE however, they do not show the PAE support flag in their CPUID information. It was also available on AMD processors including the AMD Athlon67 although the chipsets for are limited to 3. AMD processor models. When AMD defined their 6. AMD6. 4 or x. 86 6. PAE. 9 It supports 6. NX bit functionality. When the x. 86 6. PAE feature is required to be enabled before the processor is switched from Legacy Mode to Long Mode. With PAE, the page table entry of the x. This allows more room for the physical page address, or page frame number field, in the page table entry. In the initial implementations of PAE the page frame number field was expanded from 2. The size of the byte offset from the address being translated is still 1. This increased the physical memory that is theoretically addressable by the CPU from 4 GB to 6. GB. In the first processors that supported PAE, support for larger physical addresses is evident in their package pinout, with address pin designations going up to A3. A3. 1. 1. 1 Later processor families use interconnects such as Hypertransport or Quick. Path Interconnect, which lack dedicated memory address signals, so this relationship is less apparent. The 3. 2 bit size of the virtual address is not changed, so regular application software continues to use instructions with 3. Interactive Heat Transfer 4.0. Operating systems supporting this mode use page tables to map the regular 4 GB virtual address space into the physical memory, which, depending on the operating system and the rest of the hardware platform, may be as big as 6. GB. The mapping is typically applied separately for each process, so that the additional RAM is useful even though no single process can access it all simultaneously. Later work associated with AMDs development of x. Page table structureseditIn protected mode with paging enabled bit 3. PG, of control register CR0 is set, but without PAE, x. Control register. CR3 holds the page aligned physical address of a single 4 KB long page directory. This is divided into 1. KB in size. These similarly consist of 1. KB long pages of physical memory RAM. Enabling PAE by setting bit 5, PAE, of the system register CR4 causes major changes to this scheme. By default, the size of each page remains as 4 KB. Each entry in the page table and page directory becomes 6. However, the size of each table does not change, so both table and directory now have only 5. Because this allows only one half of the entries of the original scheme, an extra level of hierarchy has been added, so CR3 now points physically to a Page Directory Pointer Table, a short table containing four pointers to page directories. The entries in the page directory have an additional flag in bit 7, named PS for page size. If the system has set this bit to 1, the page directory entry does not point to a page table but to a single, large 2 MB page Page Size Extension. In all page table formats supported by x. In processors that implement the no execute or execution disable feature, the most significant bit bit 6. NX bit. The next eleven most significant bits bits 5. Intel and AMDs architecture specifications. Thus, from 6. 4 bits in the page table entry, 1. Combined with 1. 2 bits of offset within page from the linear address, a maximum of 5. This allows a maximum RAM configuration of 2. On x. 86 6. 4 processors in native long mode, the address translation scheme uses PAE but adds a fourth table, the 5. Currently 4. 8 bits of virtual page number are translated, giving a virtual address space of up to 2. TB. 1. 0p. 14. 8 In the page table entries, in the original specification, 4. Page table structures. No PAE, 4 KB pages. No PAE, 4 MB pages. With PAE 4 KB pages. With PAE 2 MB pages. Hardware supporteditSoftware can identify via the CPUID flag PAE whether a CPU supports PAE mode or not. A free of charge program for Microsoft Windows is available which will list many processor capabilities, including PAE support. In Linux, commands such as cat proccpuinfo can list the pae flag when present,1. SYSLINUX Hardware Detection Tool. To run the processor in PAE mode, operating system support is required. To use PAE to access more than 4 GB of RAM, further support is required in the operating system, in the chipset, and on the motherboard. Some chipsets do not support physical memory addresses above 4 GB FFFFFFFF in hexadecimal, and some motherboards simply do not have enough RAM sockets to allow the installation of more than 4 GB of RAM. Nevertheless, even if no more than 4 GB of RAM is available and accessible, a PAE capable CPU may be run in PAE mode, for example to allow use of the No execute feature. Operating system supporteditMicrosoft WindowseditMicrosoft Windows supports PAE if booted with the appropriate option, but according to Geoff Chappell, Microsoft may limit 3. Windows to 4 GB as a matter of its licensing policy. According to Microsoft Technical Fellow Mark Russinovich, some drivers were found to be unstable when encountering physical addresses above 4 GB,1. Winboost Full. The following table shows the memory limits for 3. Microsoft Windows The original releases of Windows XP and Windows XP SP1 used PAE mode to allow RAM to extend beyond the 4 GB address limit. However, it led to compatibility problems with 3rd party drivers which led Microsoft to remove this capability in Windows XP Service Pack 2. Windows XP SP2 and later, by default, on processors with the no execute NX or execute disable XD feature, runs in PAE mode in order to allow NX. The no execute NX, or XD for execution disable bit resides in bit 6. PAE, page table entries on 3. PAE mode is required in order to exploit the NX feature. However, client versions of 3. Windows Windows XP SP2 and later, Windows Vista, Windows 7 limit physical address space to the first 4 GB for driver compatibility 1. PAE mode if NX support is enabled. Windows 8 and later releases will only run on processors which support PAE, in addition to NX and SSE2. Mac OS X Tiger through Mac OS X Snow Leopard support PAE and the NX bit on IA 3. Snow Leopard was the last version to support IA 3. On x. 86 6. 4 processors, all versions of mac. OS use 4 level paging IA 3. PAE to address memory above 4. GB. Mac Pro and Xserve systems can use up to 6. GB of RAM. 2. 1The Linux kernel includes full PAE mode support starting with version 2.