Country code list World countries Continent Name. ISO 2. ISO 3. CIATelephone. Internet. Vehicle. ASafghanistan. Afghanistan AF AFG af 9. AFGEUaland islandsland Islands AX ALA fi 3. AXEUalbania. Albania AL ALB al 3. Iso Country Code Northern Cyprus Airports' title='Iso Country Code Northern Cyprus Airports' />Imperfect implementations. Starting in 1985, ISO 31661 alpha2 codes have been used in the Domain Name System as country code toplevel domains ccTLDs. Sometimes in menu descriptions and article titles, when spelling out a number of countries would make the description or title too long, we use the internationally. The twoletter ISO code should be used ISO 3166 alpha2, except for Greece and the United Kingdom, for which the abbreviations EL and UK are recommended. The country names used in ISO 31661 are taken from the two UN sources mentioned above. Some country names used by the UN, and accordingly by ISO, are subject to dispute. United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations UNLOCODE The list below allows obtaining the UNLOCODE Code List 20171 for each country. ALAFalgeria. Algeria DZ DZA ag 2. DZOCamerican samoa. American Samoa AS ASM aq 1 6. EUandorra. Andorra AD AND an 3. ANDAFangola. Angola AO AGO ao 2. ANGNAanguilla. Anguilla AI AIA av 1 2. AXAANantarctica. Antarctica AQ ATA ay 6. ARKNAantigua and barbuda. Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG ac 1 2. AGSAargentina. Argentina AR ARG ar 5. RAASarmenia. Armenia AM ARM am 3. AMNAaruba. Aruba AW ABW aa 2. AUA ARUOCaustralia. Australia AU AUS as 6. AUSEUaustria. Austria AT AUT au 4. AASazerbaijan. Azerbaijan AZ AZE aj 9. AZNAbahamas. Bahamas BS BHS bf 1 2. BSASbahrain. Bahrain BH BHR ba 9. BRNASbangladesh. Bangladesh BD BGD bg 8. BDNAbarbados. Barbados BB BRB bb 1 2. BDSEUbelarus. Belarus BY BLR bo 3. BYEUbelgium. Belgium BE BEL be 3. BNAbelize. Belize BZ BLZ bh 5. BZAFbenin. Benin BJ BEN bn 2. DYNAbermuda. Bermuda BM BMU bd 1 4. Sortable table of Country Codes ISO ALPHA2, ISO ALPHA3 and Numerical Country Codes. Country Codes. Digraphs of all countries. ISO 3166 country codes used in Internet domain names. ASbhutan. Bhutan BT BTN bt 9. Install Vlc Player Without Admin Rights. BHTSAbolivia. Bolivia BO BOL bl 5. BOLNAbonaire sint eustatius and saba. Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQ BES nl 5. EUbosnia and herzegovina. Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH bk 3. BIHAFbotswana. Botswana BW BWA bc 2. RBBWANbouvet island. Bouvet Island BV BVT bv 4. SAbrazil. Brazil BR BRA br 5. Europe_ISO_3166-1.png' alt='Iso Country Code Northern Cyprus' title='Iso Country Code Northern Cyprus' />Iso Country Code Northern Cyprus MountainsIso Country Code Northern Cyprus HotelBRASbritish indian ocean territory. British Indian Ocean Territory IO IOT io 2. ASbrunei darussalam. Brunei Darussalam BN BRN bx 6. BRUEUbulgaria. Bulgaria BG BGR bu 3. BGAFburkina faso. Burkina Faso BF BFA uv 2. BFAFburundi. Burundi BI BDI by 2. RUAScambodia. Cambodia KH KHM cb 8. KAFcameroon. Cameroon CM CMR cm 2. CAMNAcanada. Canada CA CAN ca 1. CDNAFcape verde. Cape Verde CV CPV cv 2. CVNAcayman islands. Cayman Islands KY CYM cj 1 3. AFcentral african republic. Central African Republic CF CAF ct 2. RCAAFchad. Chad TD TCD cd 2. TCHSAchile. Chile CL CHL ci 5. RCHASchina. China CN CHN ch 8. CNASchristmas island. Christmas Island CX CXR kt 6. AScocos keeling islands. Cocos Keeling Islands CC CCK ck 6. SAcolombia. Colombia CO COL co 5. COAFcomoros. Comoros KM COM cn 2. COMAFcongo. Congo CG COG cg 2. RCBAFcongo the democratic republic of the. Congo, the Democratic Republic of the CD COD cf 2. ZREOCcook islands. Cook Islands CK COK cw 6. NAcosta rica. Costa Rica CR CRI cs 5. CRAFcote d ivoire. Cte dIvoire CI CIV iv 2. CIEUcroatia. Croatia HR HRV hr 3. HRNAcuba. Cuba CU CUB cu 5. CNAcuracao. Curaao CW CUW cc 5. AScyprus. Cyprus CY CYP cy 3. CYEUczech republic. Czech Republic CZ CZE ez 4. CZEUdenmark. Denmark DK DNK da 4. DKAFdjibouti. Djibouti DJ DJI dj 2. DJINAdominica. Dominica DM DMA do 1 7. WDNAdominican republic. Dominican Republic DO DOM dr 1 8. DOMSAecuador. Ecuador EC ECU ec 5. ECAFegypt. Egypt EG EGY eg 2. ETNAel salvador. El Salvador SV SLV es 5. ESAFequatorial guinea. Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ ek 2. GQAFeritrea. Eritrea ER ERI er 2. EREUestonia. Estonia EE EST en 3. ESTAFethiopia. Ethiopia ET ETH et 2. ETHSAfalkland islands malvinas Falkland Islands Malvinas FK FLK fk 5. EUfaroe islands. Faroe Islands FO FRO fo 2. FOOCfiji. Fiji FJ FJI fj 6. FJIEUfinland. Finland FI FIN fi 3. FINEUfrance. France FR FRA fr 3. FSAfrench guiana. French Guiana GF GUF fr 5. OCfrench polynesia. French Polynesia PF PYF fp 6. Fl Studio 10 Free Download Full Version Windows 7 32Bit. ANfrench southern territories. French Southern Territories TF ATF fs . AFgabon. Gabon GA GAB gb 2. GAFgambia. Gambia GM GMB ga 2. WAGASgeorgia. Georgia GE GEO gg 9. GEEUgermany. Germany DE DEU gm 4. DAFghana. Ghana GH GHA gh 2. GHEUgibraltar. Gibraltar GI GIB gi 3. GBZEUgreece. Greece GR GRC gr 3. GRNAgreenland. Greenland GL GRL gl 2. KNNAgrenada. Grenada GD GRD gj 1 4. WGNAguadeloupe. Guadeloupe GP GLP fr 5. OCguam. Guam GU GUM gq 1 6. GMNAguatemala. Guatemala GT GTM gt 5. GCAEUguernsey. Guernsey GG GGY gk 4. GBGAFguinea. Guinea GN GIN gv 2. RGAFguinea bissau. Guinea Bissau GW GNB pu 2. RGB GWSAguyana. Guyana GY GUY gy 5. GUYNAhaiti. Haiti HT HTI ha 5. RHANheard island and mcdonald islands. Heard Island and Mc. Donald Islands HM HMD hm 1 6. EUholy see vatican city state Holy See Vatican City State VA VAT vt 3. VNAhonduras. Honduras HN HND ho 5. HNAShong kong. Hong Kong HK HKG hk 8. HKEUhungary. Hungary HU HUN hu 3. Grisaia No Kajitsu Episode 2 there. HEUiceland. Iceland IS ISL ic 3. ISASindia. India IN IND in 9. INDASindonesia. Indonesia ID IDN id 6. RIASiran islamic republic of. Iran, Islamic Republic of IR IRN ir 9. IRASiraq. Iraq IQ IRQ iz 9. IRQEUireland. Ireland IE IRL ei 3. IRLEUisle of man. Isle of Man IM IMN im 4. GBMASisrael. Israel IL ISR is 9. ILEUitaly. Italy IT ITA it 3. INAjamaica. Jamaica JM JAM jm 1 8. JAASjapan. Japan JP JPN ja 8. JEUjersey. Jersey JE JEY je 4. GBJASjordan. Jordan JO JOR jo 9. HKJASkazakhstan. Kazakhstan KZ KAZ kz 7. KZAFkenya. Kenya KE KEN ke 2. EAKOCkiribati. Kiribati KI KIR kr 6. KIRASkorea democratic people s republic of. Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of KP PRK kn 8. KPASkorea republic of. Korea, Republic of KR KOR ks 8. ROKASkuwait. Kuwait KW KWT ku 9. KWTASkyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ kg 9. KSASlao people s democratic republic. Lao Peoples Democratic Republic LA LAO la 8. LAOEUlatvia. Latvia LV LVA lg 3. LVASlebanon. Lebanon LB LBN le 9. RLAFlesotho. Lesotho LS LSO lt 2. LSAFliberia. Liberia LR LBR li 2. LBAFlibyan arab jamahiriya. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LY LBY ly 2. LAREUliechtenstein. Liechtenstein LI LIE ls 4. FLEUlithuania. Lithuania LT LTU lh 3. LTEUluxembourg. Luxembourg LU LUX lu 3. LASmacao. Macao MO MAC mc 8. MOEUmacedonia the former yugoslav republic of. Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of MK MKD mk 3. MKAFmadagascar. Madagascar MG MDG ma 2. RMAFmalawi. Malawi MW MWI mi 2. MWASmalaysia. Malaysia MY MYS my 6. MALASmaldives. Maldives MV MDV mv 9. MVAFmali. Mali ML MLI ml 2. RMMEUmalta. Malta MT MLT mt 3. MOCmarshall islands. Marshall Islands MH MHL rm 6. MHNAmartinique. Martinique MQ MTQ fr 5. AFmauritania. Mauritania MR MRT mr 2. RIMAFmauritius. Mauritius MU MUS mp 2. MSAFmayotte. Mayotte YT MYT fr 2. NAmexico. Mexico MX MEX mx 5. MEXOCmicronesia federated states of. Micronesia, Federated States of FM FSM fm 6. FSMEUmoldova republic of. Moldova, Republic of MD MDA md 3. MDEUmonaco. Monaco MC MCO mn 3. MCASmongolia. Mongolia MN MNG mg 9. MGLEUmontenegro. Montenegro ME MNE mj 3. MNENAmontserrat. Montserrat MS MSR mh 1 6. AFmorocco. Morocco MA MAR mo 2. MAAFmozambique. Mozambique MZ MOZ mz 2. MOCASmyanmar. Myanmar MM MMR bm 9. MYAAFnamibia. Namibia NA NAM wa 2. NAMOCnauru. Nauru NR NRU nr 6. NAUASnepal. Nepal NP NPL np 9. NEPEUnetherlands. Netherlands NL NLD nl 3. NLOCnew caledonia. New Caledonia NC NCL nc 6. NCOCnew zealand. New Zealand NZ NZL nz 6. NZNAnicaragua. Nicaragua NI NIC nu 5. NICAFniger. Niger NE NER ng 2. RNAFnigeria. Nigeria NG NGA ni 2. WANOCniue. Niue NU NIU ne 6. OCnorfolk island. Norfolk Island NF NFK nf 6. OCnorthern mariana islands. Northern Mariana Islands MP MNP cq 1 6. EUnorway. Norway NO NOR no 4. NASoman. Oman OM OMN mu 9. OMASpakistan. Pakistan PK PAK pk 9. PKOCpalau. Palau PW PLW ps 6. PALASpalestinian territory occupied. Palestinian Territory, Occupied PS PSE gz we 9. PSNApanama. Panama PA PAN pm 5. PAOCpapua new guinea. Papua New Guinea PG PNG pp 6. PNGSAparaguay. Paraguay PY PRY pa 5. PYSAperu. Peru PE PER pe 5. PEASphilippines. Philippines PH PHL rp 6. RPOCpitcairn. Pitcairn PN PCN pc 6. EUpoland. Poland PL POL pl 4. PLEUportugal. Portugal PT PRT po 3. PNApuerto rico. Puerto Rico PR PRI rq 1 7. PRASqatar. Qatar QA QAT qa 9. QAFreunion. Runion RE REU fr 2. EUromania. Romania RO ROU ro 4. ROEUrussian federation. Russian Federation RU RUS rs 7. RUSAFrwanda. Rwanda RW RWA rw 2.