RevalCloudPlatform_Thumbnail-768x960.jpg' alt='Treasury Management Audit Program' title='Treasury Management Audit Program' />Audit of Records Management. Archived information. Information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please contact us to request a format other than those available. Archived. This Web page has been archived on the Web. Harnessing the Power of Information. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. Office of the Chief Audit Executive. September 2. 01. 2Table of Contents. Executive Summary. In accordance with its approved Risk Based Audit Plan for 2. About Treasury. Our ministers Our Key People Our Strategic Plan Our structure Right to information. RTI disclosure log RTI disclosure log 2016 and earlier. Kyriba provides stateoftheart SaaS Cloud treasury and risk management solutions. Become part of the success join Kyriba PartnerSURGE program To deliver on the promise of a 21stCentury government that is more efficient, effective and transparent, the Office of Management and Budget OMB is streamlining. State of tennessee comptroller of the treasury department of audit division of state audit suite 1500 james k. Office of the Chief Audit Executive conducted an internal audit of records management at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade DFAIT. Within the overall theme of information management, this records management component was identified as the next priority, in a planned suite of audits, by the Departmental Audit Committee. This is a reflection of the elevated information management risk outlined in the 2. Corporate Risk Profile. This audit work also builds upon the results of the Horizontal Internal Audit of Electronic Recordkeeping. Footnote 1 conducted by the Office of the Comptroller General in 2. Records management comprises the creation, receipt, maintenance, use, safeguarding and disposal of records of business value. Treasury Management Audit Program' title='Treasury Management Audit Program' />The Treasury Board of Canada Directive on Recordkeeping defines information of business value as published and unpublished records that enable and document decision making in support of programs, services and on going operations. Such records support departmental reporting, performance and accountability requirements. Departments should know the information of business value under its control, where such information resides and its condition. AUDIT OF THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM Internal Audit Branch 3781194 Final version August, 2006. Boost your career with this intensive course designed to deliver up to date knowledge of the essentials elements of Treasury Management. As such, departments must implement records and information management systems and practices that demonstrate good stewardship of information assets. Effective records management underpins the overall information management regime and is the foundation for effective governance through sound decision making efficient and effective management of programs and services effective resource allocation and utilization meeting legal, evidential and accountability requirements documenting and preserving historically and culturally important events anddeveloping and implementing an effective knowledge management strategy. In keeping with global technological advances, DFAITs information and records management regime has transformed substantially from a predominantly paper based environment to one dominated by electronic records. This has resulted in a shift from a centralized and structured filing system maintained by dedicated filing clerks to a largely decentralized and unstructured system in which the information creator is also the custodian and records manager. Why is this important In this age of continual technological advances, expectations that information will be instantly available are high. Treasury Management Audit Program' title='Treasury Management Audit Program' />Globally, information is being created at an increasing rate. DFAITs shared network repository grows by at least 1. GB a month and grew fivefold between 2. Within the federal government environment, balancing the ability to effectively manage records of business value to facilitate timely retrieval on the one hand, with maintaining costs at an acceptable level and ensuring the safekeeping of records, on the other hand, is critical. C4D1EAD535FEFB9C68D6D9B075DF3BFD96D9' alt='Treasury Management Audit Program' title='Treasury Management Audit Program' />In 2. Information ManagementInformation Technology IMIT capital and operating expenditures, the Department spent 1. MFootnote 2 or roughly 8 of the total budget excluding Vote 1. Grants and Contributions on IMIT. DFAIT serves more than 1. Headquarters, multiple locations in the National Capital Region, Regional Offices in Canada, and at Missions around the world. In accordance with its approved RiskBased Audit Plan for 20122015, the Office of the Chief Audit Executive at the Canadian International Development Agency CIDA. The Department manages information specific to each of these locations as well as important issues that cut horizontally across these boundaries. Complete and timely information is essential for effective issues management at DFAIT. As well, DFAIT has a large proportion of employees whose positions are rotational in nature. Ensuring that records of business value are available supports knowledge management and takes on increased significance in this environment where employees change jobslocations frequently. Sound records management contributes to the timely provision of information under the Access to Information and Privacy Act which is essential to meeting legislative requirements and mitigating reputational risks to the Department. What did we examine The objective of the audit was to assess the extent to which the records management framework at DFAIT enables effective integration of critical information for decision making and knowledge management. The focus of this work was on unstructured records information held outside of the financial and human resources systems. The complete audit objective, criteria, scope and methodology are contained in Appendix A About the Audit. The audit addressed, in greater detail, two elements identified in the Office of the Comptroller General of Canada OCG Horizontal Internal Audit of Electronic Recordkeeping. Glencoe World History Book Pdf here. These two elements include the extent to which DFAIT programs and policy areas had developed a framework for identifying information of business value to support decision making on a timely basis and,Information management tools and applications are used to manage Departmental program and policy information. What did we find The Department faces challenges in managing records effectively indicating that it remains a key corporate risk. These challenges impact the Departments ability to manage information as an asset and to facilitate effective integration of critical information for decision making. Key elements of a sound records management regime were not in place. These include a comprehensive knowledge management strategy an effective department wide policy to enable the Chief Information Officer to exercise functional authority over information management effective systems within which to store records of business value oversight to ensure appropriate use of the systems alignment of results with performance assessments a consistent department wide information life cycle process collection, creation, receipt, capture, organization, use and dissemination, maintenance, protection, preservation, disposition to facilitate the timely retrieval of complete records for decision making and,a process to ensure that investments in information management reap the intended benefits. Key Recommendations. The audit makes several recommendations throughout the report to strengthen records management. Fundamental to the overall success will be ensuring that The Chief Information Officer strengthens information and records management in the Department by implementing a policy to clearly establish the functional authority of the Chief Information Officer clearly define roles, responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities of all parties involved in information management outline the Departmental strategic direction for information management anddefine an oversight mechanism aligned with performance assessments for employees.