How To Configure SSH Keys Authentication With Pu. TTY And Linux Server In 5 Quick Steps. This tutorial explains how you can replace password based SSH authentication with key based authentication which is more secure because only the people that own the key can log in. In this example, were using Pu. TTY as our SSH client on a Windows system. Get the zip file with all Pu. TTY binaries. http the. Generate a private and public key pair. Open Pu. TTYgen. exe, press Generate button, move mouse. We dive into another way to use Ansible setting up a Git SSH server for version control. Press the Windows key to start the Dash. Here you can type in commands to open programs and files. PZp5.png' alt='Ssh Move Files To Server' title='Ssh Move Files To Server' />Im working on a linux machine through SSH Putty. I need to leave a process running during the night, so I thought I could do that by starting the process in. Frequently Asked Questions about Bitvise SSH Server. As an administrator of Bitvise SSH Server, you should first become comfortable with the SSH servers log files. Securely move files to and from a Linux VM in Azure using SCP and an SSH key pair. Secure Shell SSH is a set of network protocols for securing connections between computers, as well as the utility suite that implements these protocols. The SSH. Once the keys are generated, type your key passphrase choose a hard to guess one. Save Public key. Save Private key. Configure your Linux server create user, save public key. For this guide lets assume you regular login name is autotimesheet replace it with one that you use regularly. As root, on the shell, type. You will be asked to fill in some details such as the users real name empty string is fine. Now type. su autotimesheetcd homeautotimesheetmkdir. Then in that folder, create and edit a file called authorizedkeys. In there, cutpaste your public ssh key, on ONE LINE That is very important Do not add the email protected at the end of the line. Do not add the BEGIN PUBLIC KEY or. END PUBLIC KEY. Do not add the rsa key 2. Make sure, there is ssh rsa at the beginning. It should be something like ssh rsa AAAAB3. Nza. C1yc. 2EAAAABJQAAAIBz. Pe. FQv2. 95i. Kzuu. PH0j. A9. 44. 9p. SHVp. Cw. Xv. CR9. Estm. Yh. Type chmod 6. Saw 3 Drinking Game. Add Private key to Pu. TTY SSH authentication agent. Start the Pu. TTY SSH authentication agent PAGEANT. EXE. When started, right click its syspanel icon. Select your private key file, and type in your passphrase when you add the key. The Pageant works as a passphrase keeper. Use Pu. TTY to connect to your server. Open Pu. TTY and connect as email protected. See that you log in without a password. Win. SCP Tutorial. This tutorial covers the following topics Win. SCP Windows Secure Copy is an open source Secure. FTP client for Windows. It allows secure file transfers between the clients local computer and the remote server. The Win. SCP software uses cryptographical methods, integrated in SSH to protect your login details and private information. It prevents different types of attacks like password sniffing and malicious monitoring of the sessions between your local computer and the remote server. The software can be downloaded from the following URL. To be able to use the software for SFTP connections you must follow the instructions in this tutorial and set up a private key in pageant. The key will then be automatically used by Win. SCP when connecting to your account. Connecting to your account with Win. SCPOnce ready, open the Win. SCP program you installed. It will automatically open a new window named Login where you will be prompted to provide login information about the location you want to connect to. In that window fill in the following File Protocol choose SFTP from the drop down Host Name the hostname of the server on which your account is located. You can see how to find this in this tutorial Port number 1. User name your c. Panel username. Password your c. Panel password. When ready press the Login button to connect to your account. You will be prompted to add the identity of the target server to the cache, click the Yes button to not see this warning in the future. Thats it. You are now connected to your account and you can see all files and folders on it on the right side panel. On the left side panel you can find all the files and folders on your computer. Uploading and downloading files via SCPIf you want to use Win. SCP to upload files or folders on your hosting account you just need to navigate to the desired file or folder on the left side panel, right click on the item you want to upload and click Upload Upload. It is very easy to also download data from your hosting account to your machine. Just navigate to the location of the file or folder you want to download from the right side panel, right click the desired item and select Download Download.