Ecstatic Raw Chocolate. Heart full of laughter. Mouth full of Ecstatic Raw Chocolate. Oh. My. Word. Combine Sarah B with Elenore Earth and you end up with a total love fest. And yes, it includes Raw chocolate so great we even named it Ecstatic that was due to the over all weekend feeling as well though. Lecture en ligne Scan Kingdom 533 VF Perte de moral JapScan. Proddist cineprint cineprint unicef unicer cine print cineprint cineprint cineprint cineprint m. Heart full of laughter Mouth full of Ecstatic Raw Chocolate. Oh. My. Word. Combine Sarah B with Elenore Earth and you end up with a total love fest. Since you do know both of us in some sense you know that we love to share and that is why we even wrapped up the chocolate for you. Read on to get the whole present, baby There is something truly magical about co creating and even though what we do on our own can be explosive, once you find people that simply make you soul sing, that explosion turns to glimmering fireworks. This is why we, Sarah and I put our gorgeous soulsbrainsminds together to create a downright ECSTATIC post for you I know that Sarah has a bunch of real yummy things to tell you about the cacao butter while I decided to give you salty in a good way facts in my Fun Fabulous Facts section. So be sure to head over to. Sarah for her take on this postrecipestory. Now I know that I can totally spend this whole post writing about Sarah and all her light but I think youd better visit her amazing. My New Roots and experience all that greatness for yourselves. Anyhow, last week this super soul sister crossed the ocean between Denmark and Sweden to come visit me in the forest. The result Barefoot frolicking, Greenylicious food, a LOT of talkingplanningdreamingphoto shooting and Im telling you, A. Huge. Amount. Of. Fireworks. When I first found My New Roots a little over a year ago I was blown away by Sarahs ability to deliver great content and high quality recipes every week. Maison De M Bara Game' title='Maison De M Bara Game' />Each post infused with her wisdom and hunger for life combined with her glowing spirit and sense of humor. When we finally met a while back, it was like uniting with a kindred goddess that simply had been missing for a while. No biggie. Ehrm. Im absolutely certain that my Sprout have a lot to thank her Roots for and we all know that those two are a great deal stronger, interesting and inspiring together which is why the adventure does not end with this co created postrecipe. If I were you Id keep an eye out for crazy amazing My New Roots Earthsprout co creations in the future. Fun Fabulous Facts. I have been waiting for the right time to tell you about SALT and I believe that the moment has finally arrived drum roll. I often get questions on why I insist on writing Himalayan pink salt in all my recipes instead of just, well, salt. Maison De M Bara Game' title='Maison De M Bara Game' />You should know its not beacause I want to be all super fancy but thing is, the right or wrong kind of salt can make it or break it when it comes to food creating. Add the fact that you can choose between salt with awesome nutrients or salt that takes your system for a toll a bad one and there you have it. Lecture en ligne Scan Tales Of Demons And Gods Yaoshenji 137 VF Banquet de bienvenue JapScan. In the past, during our grandparents generation, and maybe even during ours today, there were people who forbade children from reading manga because they thought it. The reason for my salty obsession. If you consider the fact that our body is like a tiny ocean and like all oceans it needs a good balance of minerals like salt to function properly. Maison De M Bara Game' title='Maison De M Bara Game' />Salt has the ability to add the final touch to a recipe in this case chocolate which means I just have to love it. Even so, it is imortant to keep in mind that the load of salt in our diet for the past decades much due to fast food and pre packaged foods has made it hard for our tiny oceans to stay balanced. Bleached and processed salt is certainly one of the bad whites and that is why, when I use salt, choose the ones that are as close to its original form as possible. Like Himalayan pink salt or quality Sea salt and the list goes on that contain way more trace minerals then their completely human made white breed and do not have any additives yes your regular table salt may have additivesThe excess salt consumption of today may contribute to vascular insufficiency, hypertension, high blood pressure, difficult pregnancies. Plus it interferes with calcium and nutrient absorption and weakens the kidneys. I mean if there is an imbalance in you ocean everything is affected and you know it. Disadvantages Program Direct on this page. Now I can almost hear some of you yell what about iodine so let me write a little note on iodized salt. I strongly believe that there are so many better ways of getting the important mineral iodine into our diets then simply falling into the hands of the clever industry. I add powdered Kelp a seaweed as seasoning in my food to give it a huge iodine boost, try it It is naturally salty and way better than that processed, bleached and altered with iodized table salt. Keep in mind that real, pure, whole foods and traditional cooking very rarely need much or any salt at all. When you do use salt I hope youll embrace the wonders of the real kind and not the ones that humans has altered with for the greater good like table, kosher and other refined salts. Ohh, now I want popcorn with Himalayan pink salt, haha. Ecstatic Raw Chocolate. I have kept this raw chocolate recipe from you for way to long but ya know whatThere are perfect recipes and there are P. E. R. F. E. C. T recipes. Turns out, all this one needed was the My New RootsEarthsprout collision to get that crazy, almost to good to be true touch. Now you go and tweak it in any way you like and play with different flavors and endless possibilities. After all. It is even good for you Makes 2 large chocolate bars. Ingredients 3. 0 g 1oz raw cacao powder 1. Additions 1. Lavender Vanilla a couple pinches dried lavender 1 extra vanilla bean, scraped 2. Lemon Sea Salt zest of one lemon an extra pinch sea salt 3. Smoky Spice a couple pinches ground cinnamon chipotle. Ginger Coconut a couple pinches ground ginger a sprinkling of shredded coconut 5. Lime Cardamom zest of one lime a couple pinches cardamom 6. Spicy Orange zest of 1 organic lemon a pinch of chili powder 7. Rose love a few drops of rose essential oil dried rose petals for decoration 8. Crunchy Mint a few drops of mint essential oil 1 Tbsp. Directions 1. Begin by pitting the dates and mashing them with a fork, or food processor. You may want to remove the skins first if they are tough. Do not soak dates, as the water will cause the chocolate to seize up. In a double boiler or a glass bowl over water over low medium heat, melt the cacao butter slowly until completely smooth. Add the cacao powder, vanilla, salt, and lavender, and stir to thoroughly combine. Remove from heat. Add the dates and fold to combine. You may need to let the mixture cool a little before this is possible, so put the pot or bowl in the fridge until the chocolate firms up a bit. Taste for sweetness and flavouring. Once the chocolate is cool and you can form a rough ball with it, divide the chocolate in half and place one section on a piece of parchment paper. Fold the parchment paper over the chocolate once and use your hands to mash it down into a thin piece. At this point you can fold the remaining sides up around the chocolate to create a bar and press the chocolate into the corners. Alternatively, you can press the chocolate into a mold or chocolate form. Place in the fridge or a cool place to firm up. Repeat with the other half. Store chocolate in a cool, dry place away from direct light. Just a wee suggestion You may want to make this chocolate right away. Do not forget to go bananas with different flavors and to tell me all about your tasty epiphanies on Twitter and Facebook Hope you liked our present, EarthsproutlingStanding by definition of standing by by The Free Dictionarystand stndv. To rise to an upright position on the feet. To assume or maintain an upright position as specified stand straight stand to one side. To maintain an upright position on the feet. To maintain an upright or vertical position on a base or support The urn stands on a pedestal. To be placed or situated The building stands at the corner. To remain stable, upright, or intact The old school still stands. To remain valid, effective, or unaltered The agreement stands. To be or show a specified figure or amount The balance stands at 5. To measure a specified height when in an upright position stands six feet tall. To take up or maintain a specified position, altitude, or course He stands on his earlier offer. We will stand firm. To be in a position of possible gain or loss She stands to make a fortune. To be in a specified state or condition I stand corrected. We stand in awe of the view. To exist in a particular form Send the message as it now stands. To be at a specified level on a scale or in an amount stands third in her class stands high in reputation. To come to a stop remain motionless. To remain stationary or inactive The car stood in the garage all winter. To remain without flowing or being disturbed be or become stagnant. Nautical To take or hold a particular course or direction a ship standing to windward. To be available as a sire. Used of horses. 1. Chiefly British To be a candidate for public office. To cause to stand place upright. To engage in or encounter stand battle. To resist successfully withstand stand the test of time will not stand close examination. To put up with patiently or resolutely bear cant stand the heat. See Synonyms at endure. To submit to or undergo stand trial. To tolerate and benefit from I could stand a good nights sleep. To perform the duty of stand guard. Informal To treat someone or pay the cost of food or drink She stood him to a drink. Well stand dinner. The act of standing. A ceasing of work or activity a standstill or halt. A stop on a performance tour. The place or station where a person stands. A booth, stall, or counter for the display of goods for sale. A parking space reserved for taxis. A desperate or decisive effort at defense or resistance, as in a battle made their stand at the river. A position or opinion one is prepared to uphold must take a stand on environmental issues. Rows of wooden or metal benches placed one above another for people watching a sports event or a performance. Law A witness stand. A small rack, prop, or table for holding any of various articles a music stand a bedside stand. A group or growth of tall plants or trees a stand of pine. Phrasal Verbs stand by. To be ready or available to act. To wait for something, such as a broadcast, to resume. To remain uninvolved refrain from acting stood by and let him get away. To remain loyal to aid or support stands by her friends. To keep or maintain stood by her decision. Law To leave a witness stand. To withdraw, as from a political contest. To end a state of readiness or alert. To go off duty. stand for. To represent symbolize. To advocate or support stands for freedom of the press. To put up with tolerate We will not stand for impertinent behavior. To act as a stand in. To stay at a distance remain apart or aloof. To put off evade. Nautical To maintain a course away from shore. To be based on depend on The success of the project stands on managements support of it. To insist on observance of stand on ceremony stand on ones rights. To protrude project. To be conspicuous, distinctive, or prominent. To refuse compliance or maintain opposition hold out stand out against a verdict. Nautical To maintain a course away from shore. To watch or supervise closely. To hold over postpone. To take up positions for action. To remain valid, sound, or durable His claim will not stand up in court. Our old car has stood up well over time. Informal To fail to keep a date with. Idioms stand a chance To have a chance, as of gaining or accomplishing something. To maintain ones position against an attack. To refuse to compromise be unyielding. Sports To make numerous sprawling or dramatic saves. Used of a goalie. To be independent and responsible for oneself. To oppose or resist change. Games To play ones poker hand without drawing more cards. To be consistent with reason It stands to reason that if we leave late, we will arrive late. To side with defend. To stand up with. To confront fearlessly face up to. To act as best man or maid of honor for the groom or bride at a wedding. I stand to lose money in this venture he stands high in the presidents favour. I wont stand for your nonsense any longer I cant stand spiders. Government, Politics Diplomacy often foll by for chiefly. Brit to be or become a candidate will he stand for ParliamentNavigation to navigate in a specified direction we were standing for Madeira when the storm broke. Hunting of a gun dog to point at game. Military to halt, esp to give action, repel attack, or disrupt an enemy advance when retreating. Breeds of a male domestic animal, esp a stallion to be available as a stud. Printing, Lithography Bookbinding also tr printing to keep type that has been set or of such type to be kept, for possible use in future printings. US to tolerate I wont stand still for your threats. Irish to be useful to someone your knowledge of English will stand to you. Agriculture a. a position on the floor of a shearing shed allocated to one shearerb. Building a structure, usually of wood, on which people can sit or stand. Furniture a frame or rack on which such articles as coats and hats may be hung. Furniture a small table or piece of furniture where articles may be placed or stored a music stand. Furniture a supporting framework, esp for a tool or instrument. Commerce a stall, booth, or counter from which goods may be sold. Commerce an exhibition area in a trade fair. Cricket cricket an extended period at the wicket by two batsmen. Botany a growth of plants in a particular area, esp trees in a forest or a crop in a field. Theatre a stop made by a touring theatrical company, pop group, etc, to give a performance esp in the phrase one night stand4. Building South African a plot or site earmarked for the erection of a building. Shooting of a gun dog the act of pointing at game. Arms Armour excluding Firearms a complete set, esp of arms or armour for one man. Military military the flags of a regimentOld English standan related to Old Norse standa, Old High German stantan, Latin stre to stand see steadstandernstand stnd v. He stands six feet. We stand for free trade. The building stands upon the hill. The score stands 1. My offer still stands. I stand corrected. You stand in danger of losing your license. Chiefly Brit. to be a candidate, as for public office to stand for Parliament. Xp Vista Tema Indir Gezginler. My eyes cant stand the glare. Law. to leave the witness stand. P. S. stands for postscript. The evidence wont stand up in court. Wool stands up better than silk. Custers last stand. We must take a stand on political issues. Idioms 1. stand firm, to remain steadfast. Middle English v., Old English standan, c. Old Norse standa, Gothic standan, Old High German stantan, akin to Latin stre to stand, sistere, Greek histnai to make stand, Skt sth to stand.