I2cdevlib I2C device library collection for AVRArduino or other Cbased MCUs. Elixir Free Electrons i. Copyright C 1. 99. Simon G. Vogl Copyright C 1. Frodo Looijaard lt frodoldds. Copyright C 2. 00. Greg Kroah Hartman lt gregkroah. This program is free software you can redistribute it andor modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or at your option any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Note that this is a complete rewrite of Simon Vogls i. But I have used so much of his original code and ideas that it seems only fair to recognize him as co author Frodo The I2. CRDWR ioctl code is written by Kolja Waschk lt waschktelos. An i. 2cdev represents an i. I2. C or SMBus master, not a slave i. Its coupled with a character special file which is accessed by user mode drivers. The list of i. 2cdev structures is parallel to the i. I2. CMINORSMINORMASKstatic. LISTHEADi. 2cdevlist static. DEFINESPINLOCKi. NULL found spinunlock i. I2. CMINORSprintkKERNERRi. I2c Dev.H' title='I2c Dev.H' />Out of device minors dn,adap nr return. ERRPTR ENODEV i. GFPKERNEL if ERRPTR ENOMEM i. MINORdev devt if ENODEV returnsprintfbuf,sn,i. DEVICEATTRROname staticstructattribute. I2c Dev.H' title='I2c Dev.H' />Hi, Im working with the i2c2 from the beagle board, and I wrote a program for userspace, the header used is i2cdev. The hardware I use requires. About i2ctools are an heterogeneous set of I2C tools for Linux originally part of the lmsensors package. Fossies Dox i2ctools3. Okay, Ive been trying for days to get i2cdev working properly. I have everything I need according to instructions, but for some reason I keep. Copyright C 199597 Simon G. Vogl Copyright C 199899 Frodo Looijaard ltfrodoldds. This program is free. NULL, ATTRIBUTEGROUPSi. After opening an instance of this character special file, a file descriptor starts out associated only with an i. Using the I2. CRDWR ioctl, you can then mmediatelyissue i. Thats because the i. However, SMBus only adapters dont support that interface. To use readwrite system calls on that file descriptor, or to use SMBus interfaces and work with SMBus only hosts, you must first issue an I2. CSLAVE or I2. CSLAVEFORCE ioctl. That configures an anonymous never registered i. SMBus interface. staticssizeti. GFPKERNEL iftmpNULLreturn ENOMEM prdebugi. EFAULT ret kfreetmp returnret staticssizeti. ISERRtmpreturn. PTRERRtmp prdebugi. EBUSY 0 walk up mux tree staticinti. This address checking function differs from the one in i. NOT busy. staticinti. EFAULT Put an arbitrary limit on the number of messages that can be sent at once ifrdwrarg. I2. CRDWRIOCTLMAXMSGSreturn EINVAL rdwrpamemdupuserrdwrarg. ISERRrdwrpareturn. PTRERRrdwrpa dataptrskmallocrdwrarg. GFPKERNEL ifdataptrsNULLkfreerdwrpa return ENOMEM res0 fori0 ilt rdwrarg. Limit the size of the message to a sane amount ifrdwrpai. EINVAL break dataptrsiu. ISERRrdwrpai. PTRERRrdwrpai. If the message length is received from the slave similar to SMBus block read, we must ensure that the buffer will be large enough to cope with a message length of I2. CSMBUSBLOCKMAX as this is the maximum underlying bus drivers allow. The first byte in the buffer must be pre filled with the number of extra bytes, which must be at least one to hold the message length, but can be greater for example to account for a checksum byte at the end of the message. I2. CMRECVLENifrdwrpai. I2. CMRDrdwrpai. I2. Seed Money Action Pdf. CSMBUSBLOCKMAXres EINVAL break rdwrpai. I2. CMRDifcopytouserdataptrsi,rdwrpai. EFAULT kfreerdwrpai. EFAULT ifdataarg. I2. CSMBUSBYTE dataarg. I2. CSMBUSQUICK dataarg. I2. CSMBUSBYTEDATA dataarg. I2. CSMBUSWORDDATA dataarg. I2. CSMBUSPROCCALL dataarg. I2. CSMBUSBLOCKDATA dataarg. I2. CSMBUSI2. CBLOCKBROKEN dataarg. I2. CSMBUSI2. CBLOCKDATA dataarg. I2. CSMBUSBLOCKPROCCALLdevdbg client adapter dev,size out of range x in ioctl I2. CSMBUS. n,dataarg. EINVAL Note that I2. CSMBUSREAD and I2. CSMBUSWRITE are 0 and 1, so the check is valid if sizeI2. CSMBUSQUICK too. I2. CSMBUSREAD dataarg. I2. CSMBUSWRITEdevdbg client adapter dev,readwrite out of range x in ioctl I2. CSMBUS. n,dataarg. EINVAL Note that command values are always valid I2. CSMBUSQUICKdataarg. I2. CSMBUSBYTE dataarg. Brain Activation Center Maps. I2. CSMBUSWRITEThese are special we do not use data returni. NULL ifdataarg. NULLdevdbg client adapter dev,data is NULL pointer in ioctl I2. CSMBUS. n return EINVAL ifdataarg. I2. CSMBUSBYTEDATAdataarg. I2. CSMBUSBYTEdatasizesizeofdataarg. I2. CSMBUSWORDDATAdataarg. I2. CSMBUSPROCCALLdatasizesizeofdataarg. I2. CSMBUSPROCCALLdataarg. I2. CSMBUSBLOCKPROCCALLdataarg. I2. CSMBUSI2. CBLOCKDATAdataarg. I2. CSMBUSWRITEifcopyfromuser temp,dataarg. EFAULT ifdataarg. I2. CSMBUSI2. CBLOCKBROKENConvert old I2. C block commands to the new convention. This preserves binary compatibility. I2. CSMBUSI2. CBLOCKDATA ifdataarg. I2. CSMBUSREADtemp. I2. CSMBUSBLOCKMAX resi. I2. CSMBUSPROCCALLdataarg. I2. CSMBUSBLOCKPROCCALLdataarg. I2. CSMBUSREADifcopytouserdataarg. EFAULT returnres staticlongi. I2. CSLAVE case. I2. CSLAVEFORCE ifarg 0x. I2. CMTEN0 arg 0x. EINVAL ifcmdI2. CSLAVE i. EBUSY REVISIT address could become busy later client addrarg return. I2. CTENBIT ifargclient flagsI2. CMTEN elseclient flags I2. CMTEN return. 0 case. I2. CPEC Setting the PEC flag here wont affect kernel drivers, which will be using the i. Likewise, when that client has the PEC flag already set, the i. I2. CCLIENTPEC elseclient flags I2. CCLIENTPEC return. I2. CFUNCS funcsi. I2. CRDWR returni. I2. CSMBUS returni. I2. CRETRIES client adapter retriesarg break case. I2. CTIMEOUT For historical reasons, user space sets the timeout value in units of 1. NOTE returning a fault code here could cause trouble in buggy userspace code. Some old kernel bugs returned zero in this case, and userspace code might accidentally have depended on that bug. ENOTTY return. ENODEV This creates an anonymous i. I2. CSLAVE or I2. CSLAVEFORCE. This client is NEVER REGISTERED with the driver model or I2. C core code It just holds private copies of addressing information and maybe a PEC flag. GFPKERNEL if ENOMEM snprintfclient name,I2. CNAMESIZE,i. 2c dev d,adap nr client adapteradap file privatedataclient return. NULL return. 0 staticconststructfileoperationsi. THISMODULE. llseeknollseek. ISERRi. 2cdevreturn. PTRERRi. 2cdev cdevinit i. THISMODULE rescdevadd i. MKDEVI2. CMAJOR,adap nr,1 ifresgotoerrorcdev register this i. MKDEVI2. CMAJOR,adap nr,NULL,i. ISERRi. 2cdev devresPTRERRi. MKDEVI2. CMAJOR,adap nr prdebugi. BUSNOTIFYADDDEVICE returni. NULL case. BUSNOTIFYDELDEVICE returni. NULL return. 0 staticstructnotifierblocki. KERNINFOi. 2c dev entries drivern resregisterchrdevregionMKDEVI2. CMAJOR,0,I2. CMINORS,i. THISMODULE,i. 2c dev ifISERRi. I2. Cdev include weirdness. I am using Jeff Rowbergs MPU6. I simply dont understand what is going on in the following lines of the first example MPU6. I2. Cdev. h. include MPU6. Arduino Wire library is required if I2. Cdev I2. CDEVARDUINOWIRE. I2. Cdev. h. if I2. CDEVIMPLEMENTATION I2. CDEVARDUINOWIRE. Wire. So, what I got from that is, if I2. Cdev is using Wire instead of some alternative I2. C library, I should include Wire. I really dont see why thats necessary, so I removed the line in which Wire. C UsersFranco. DocumentsArduinolibrariesI2. CdevI2. Cdev. h 8. Wire. h No such file or directory. Wire. h. So, apparently, I2. Cdev. h already tries to include Wire.