In this article, let us see how to convert a file content to a byte array and restore the original content from the byte array and display it in its original file. PDF conversion library to convert Excel to PDF in any. NET application. Convert text, html, word, excel, powerpoint, jpeg, tiff, png and many more to PDF. This article is about to export an aspx page into Pdf file. Reliable and secure HTML to PDF convertor. Code examples for C, Ruby, ASP. NET and PHP and more. Easy to use and amazingly fast, free of cost EVO HTML to PDF for. NET and C can be integrated in ASP. NET, MVC and Azure applications to convert HTML5, CSS3, WebFonts and SVG to PDF in C and VB. NET. Convert Aspx Page Into PDF in ASP. NETIntroduction. This article explains how to export an aspx page to a PDF file. Requirement. The only requirement is to add the DLL of IText. Sharp to the application. Code. In the code behind add the following namespaces using i. Text. Sharp. text using i. Text. Sharp. text. Text. Sharp. text. Text. Sharp. text. System. Drawing Design a page. Place the following code on the button click event to convert the aspx page into PDF protectedvoid Button. Clickobject sender, Event. Args estring attachment attachment filename abc. Response. Clear. Content Response. TAB/PDFConverter/free_H2P.png' alt='How To Convert Html To Pdf In Asp.Net' title='How To Convert Html To Pdf In Asp.Net' />Add. Headercontent disposition, attachment Response. Content. Type applicationpdf String. Writer stw new. String. Writer Html. Text. Writer htextw new. FreePDF.png' alt='How To Convert Html To Pdf In Asp.Net' title='How To Convert Html To Pdf In Asp.Net' />Chris Haas has explained very well how to use itextSharp to convert HTML to PDF, very helpful my add is By using HtmlTextWriter I put html tags inside HTML table. ByteScout tools for developers BarCode Generator SDK, BarCode Reader for. NET, PDF Extractor SDK, PDF To HTML SDK, PDF Generator SDK for Javsacript, Javascript. Convert WebHTML to PDF in C, VB. NET, and ASP. NET with our fast and reliable HTML to PDF API. Free integration, helpful support. Html. Text. Writerstw htextw. Add. Style. Attributefont size, 7pt htextw. Add. Style. Attributecolor, Black Panel. Render. Controlhtextw Name of the Panel. Document doc new. Document doc new. DocumentPage. Size. A4, 5, 5, 1. 5, 5 Font. Factory. Get. FontVerdana, 8. Text. Sharp. text. Color. RED Pdf. HiQPdf HTML to PDF for. NET is a powerful, fast and precise HTML to PDF converter library to convert HTML5, CSS3, SVG, Canvas, JavaScript and Web Fonts to PDF. Writer. Get. Instancedoc, Response. Output. Stream doc. Open String. Reader str new. String. Readerstw. To. String HTMLWorker htmlworker new. HTMLWorkerdoc htmlworker. Parsestr doc. Close Response. Writedoc publicoverridevoid Verify. De Paciencia Spider Para Pc. Rendering. In. Server. FormControl controlSave all and run an error will occur as in the following image This error occurs when we render a control into a response. Use the following point to resolve this error Add Enable. Event. Validationfalsein the page directive on the source of your page at the top. Now save all and view the page in the browser when you click on the button to convert the apx page into a PDF it will work.