Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Wikipdia. Call of Duty 4. Modern Warfarediteur. Activision. Square Enix2. Dveloppeur. Infinity Ward. AspyrConversion Mac OSTreyarchWiiMusique. Stephen Barton et. Harry Gregson Williams. Date de sortie. PS3, Xbox 3. Windows. Rdition Square Enix. Franchise. Call of Duty. Version. 1. 7 2. Genre. Jeu de tir la premire personne. Mode de jeu. Solo, Multijoueur InternetLAN, Playstation Network, Xbox LivePlate forme. Ordinateurs Consoles Consoles portables Mdia. Blu ray, DVD, Steam. Langue. Franais. Contrle. Clavier souris. Manettevaluation. BBFC 1. 5 ESRB MOFLC AU MA1. PEGI 1. 6 USK 1. Moteur. IW Engine 3. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare est un jeu vido de tir la premire personne dvelopp par Infinity Ward et dit par Activision sur Windows, Mac OS, Play. Station 3, Xbox 3. Commentary No scenes of mayhem, just an appeal to camaraderie. And look at the different characters for different countries. Nintendo DS en novembre 2. Il est port sur Wii par Treyarch en novembre 2. Rflexes. Le jeu se droule lpoque contemporaine, la diffrence des pisodes prcdents qui se droulaient pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le jeu connat deux suites directe nommes Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 et Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare se droule en 2. Here are the graduates of AMO Class 17080 L to R CDR Steve Bryant OIC, LCDR Georgios Rigakis Hellenic Navy, Hannah LeForge NAVAIR, 2ndLt Mark. American Sniper is a first person shooter war game for you to download. This sniper game is packed with non stop fps action. Practice your sniper skills with. Shop for industrial storage bins and containers for workplace storage solutions. Provides industrial, commercial, military medical facility storage systems. For The Defense n June 2011 n 41 EMPLOYMENT L AW n Spencer H. Silverglate is the managing shareholder and cofounder, and Craig Salner is a partner, of Clarke. La Russie est en pleine guerre civile loyalistes au gouvernement russe contre ultra nationalistes. Au Moyen Orient, un puissant pays rgne sur une bonne partie de la pninsule arabique avec sa capitale situe aux alentours de la frontire irano irakienne actuelle. Ce pays ptrolier tait autrefois une monarchie pro occidentale, renverse par une rvolution avec sa tte, Yasir Al Fulani devenu par la suite prsident. NsJM9FSO_snwMMAqKbh54OPX5FI=/fit-in/970x0/2009/07/15/866680f0-f8e0-11e2-8c7c-d4ae52e62bcc/nvg_500x281.jpg' alt='Call Of Duty Cnet' title='Call Of Duty Cnet' />Bien quil soit difficile de situer exactement lanne durant laquelle se droulent les vnements du jeu, on peut mettre une hypothse partir dune mission flashback se droulant 1. Tchernobyl de 1. Dans ce cas, le jeu se droulerait donc aux alentours de 2. MW3. De toute faon, laction de Modern Warfare fait rfrence des personnages fictifs et des vnements imaginaires, ce qui le place dans un cadre intemporel contrairement aux prcdents. Le principal est de savoir que le jeu sinscrit dans un prsent possible. La campagne a subi linfluence de divers films de guerre tels que La Chute du faucon noir ou En territoire ennemi dailleurs, tout comme Niko Bellic de Grand Theft Auto IV, le personnage de Victor Zakhaev semble tre inspir de Vladimir Machkov du film. Le sergent John Soap Mac. Tavish, un nouvel arrivant au 2. SAS est le protagoniste du jeu, et lun des deux principaux personnages jouables. Ses deux suprieurs sont le capitaine Price, un personnage rcurrent de la srie et Gaz, un londonien qui fait bien entendre ses origines travers son accent cockney dans la version originale. Lautre personnage jouable principal est le sergent Paul Jackson de la 1re. Force Reconnaissance de lUSMC. Il est chaperonn par le lieutenant Vasquez, un grand hispanique et le sergent chef Griggs, un afro amricain amateur de rap. Lennemi principal est Imran Zakhaev, dirigeant du parti ultranationaliste russe. Il a un fils, Victor Zakhaev, qui est le chef des forces ultranationalistes sur le terrain. Son homologue arabe et associ sappelle Khaled Al Asad, chef du mouvement anti occidental au Moyen Orient appel OPFOR, pour OPposition FORce dans la version originale. Les allis du joueur sont dune part le sergent Kamarov des Spetsnaz, les forces spciales des forces armes de la fdration de Russie, et linformateur russe Nikola. Il existe une ressemblance entre le nom Kamarov et le pistolet sovitique daprs guerre Makarov bien que dans Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, un personnage du nom de Makarov apparaisse. Le joueur incarne aussi trois autres personnages une seule occasion chacun le prsident Yasir Al Fulani pour vivre son excution de manire subjective, un oprateur TV dun AC 1. Price, 1. 5 ans auparavant alors quil ntait que lieutenant incarn deux missions de suite accompagn du capitaine Mac. Millan, son suprieur cossais. Une version fminine est disponible dans la version HD. Le sergent Soap Mac. Tavish arrive la base du 2. SAS Hereford Royaume Uni, accueilli par Gaz et le capitaine Price. Aprs un entranement rapide, lescouade file au dtroit de Bring pour intercepter un navire cargo. Ils y dcouvrent une arme nuclaire avec des inscriptions en arabe. Soudain, des avions de chasse attaquent le navire. Lquipe vacue in extremis avant quil ne coule. Au mme moment au Moyen Orient, le mouvement anti occidental men par Khaled Al Asad procde un coup dtat. Ce dernier excute en personne lancien prsident Al Fulani en prsence de son homologue russe, Imran Zakhaev et son fils. Aprs leur mission du cargo, lquipe du capitaine Price se rend dans les montagnes caucasiennes pour rcuprer Nikola, linformateur du SAS dont la couverture a saut. Lquipe y rejoint les loyalistes russes du sergent Kamarov. Ensemble, ils prennent dassaut un village durant la nuit, mais Kamarov semble plus dtermin liminer les ultra nationalistes que sauver leur informateur. Comme Gaz et Price semblent plutt press, ils lui demandent violemment o est dtenu Nikola. Il leur indique la maison situe au Nord Est du village. Aprs avoir travers celui ci, les SAS surprennent les occupants de la maison, profitant de lobscurit, et librent leur informateur. Ils sont vacus en hlicoptre pour se rendre Hambourg. Quelques heures plus tard, les Marines amricains lancent leur intervention au Moyen Orient par une invasion matinale par la Mer Rouge. Lquipe de Force Recon compose du Lt. Vasquez, du SSgt. Griggs et du Sgt. Jackson investit des emplacements prsums dAl Asad sur le littoral, Une armurerie et la chane de tlvision locale, mais ceux ci sont vides. La nuit, les combats ne perdent pas de leur intensit. Lunit de Vasquez doit secourir un Char Abrams coinc dans un marais, nom de code Sanglier. Ils parviennent repousser lattaque ennemie, appuys dun soutien arien. Les SAS quant eux sont abattus en cours de route au dessus dune zone rurale en Russie occidentale. Les survivants doivent chapper aux patrouilles ennemies qui les recherchent et rejoindre le point dextraction. Ils obtiennent le soutien dun AC 1. Le matin suivant, lquipe de Vasquez accompagne un Char Abrams Sanglier de nouveau oprationnel travers un quartier pour rejoindre le dernier assaut majeur contre Al Assad, bnficiant de lappui du blind. Ils participent ensuite cette grande offensive sur la capitale, cens mener la capture dAl Asad. Vasquez et son unit sont charg daffaiblir les troupes au sol, puis dvacuer une unit de reconnaissance coince derrire les ligne ennemies. On dcouvre cependant une tte nuclaire russe dans le palais dAl Assad qui pourrait exploser tout moment. Tandis que les forces amricaines vacuent la ville, un Cobra est touch et scrase. La pilote est encore vivante et lquipe de Vasquez dcide de la sauver. Au pril de sa vie, Jackson ramne la pilote au CH 4. Au moment de lvacuation, la bombe explose et touche de plein fouet les hlicoptres dont celui o se trouvait Vasquez et Jackson. Ce dernier, ayant survcu au crash, erre dans les rues de la ville avant de steindre dfinitivement en regardant le nuage atomique. Ghillie Suit camouflage similaire ce que portaient Price et Mac. Millan lors de leur mission Pripiat. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty Wiki. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. DevelopersInfinity Ward. PublishersActivision. DistributorsActivision. DesignersMackey Mc. Candlish. Engine. IW 4. 01Released. November 1. 0, 2. GenresFirst person shooter. ModesSingle player, Multiplayer, Special Ops. Ratings. ESRB Mature 1. PEGI 1. 8 USK 1. BBFC 1. CERO D ACB R1. PlatformsPC, Xbox 3. Playstation 3, Mac OS X 1. Or Higher. Media. DVD ROM, Blu Ray Disc, Digital Download. System requirements. OS Windows XPVista or higher. Processor AMD 6. Intel Pentium 4 3. Ghz or better. Memory 1. GB free hard drive space 5. MB RAM XP 1 GB RAM VISTAVideo Card Shader 3. Vidia Ge. Force 6. GT ATI Radeon 1. XT or better. Input methods. Gamepad, keyboard and mouse. The most anticipated game of the year Modern Warfare 2. Adam Sessler, former co host of X Play. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 mostly referred to as Modern Warfare 2, MW2 or COD6 is the sixth main Call of Duty game, and the fourth developed by Infinity Ward. The game was published by Activision for the PC, Play. Station 3, and Xbox 3. Officially announced on February 1. November 1. 0, 2. It is the direct sequel to Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, continuing along the same storyline and gameplay. It was released in conjunction with two other Call of Duty games Call of Duty Modern Warfare Mobilized for the Nintendo DS, and Call of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex, a port of Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare for the Wii console. In addition, a comic book series based on one of the games characters was also produced, entitled Modern Warfare 2 Ghost. The direct sequel to the game, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, was released on November 8, 2. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has received highly positive reviews from various gaming websites, attaining a 9. Solidworks Gear Tool on this page. Metacritic, with praise stemming primarily from its in depth multiplayer component. On January 1. 3, 2. Activision reported that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 had crossed 1 billion in retail sales. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 continues five years after the events of Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Plot overview EditThis is for the record. Captain Price. The year is 2. United States Marine Corps and the Special Air Service, the Ultranationalists seize control of Russia and declare Imran Zakhaev a hero and martyr, erecting a statue of him in the heart of the Red Square. Meanwhile, Vladimir Makarov, one of Zakhaevs former lieutenants, begins a campaign against Europe by committing brutal acts of terrorism over the course of five years. In Afghanistan, U. S. Army Ranger PFC Joseph Allen assists his commanding officer Sgt. Foley in training the local soldiers until he is called to run a training course overseen by Lieutenant General Shepherd, who is recruiting one of the Rangers for a special operation. After completing the course, Allen and the rest of the 7. Ranger Regiment assists in the taking of a city from local Op. For soldiers. Impressed by Allens abilities, General Shepherd recruits him into Task Force 1. Shepherds command. Meanwhile, two other members of 1. Cpt. Soap Mac. Tavish and Sgt. Gary Roach Sandersoninfiltrate a Russian airbase in the Tian Shan mountains to retrieve an ACS Attack Characterization System module from a downed satellite. During their infiltration, Soap orders Roach to plant explosives to cover their escape, but is compromised while retrieving the ACS. While they are pursued by enemy forces, both men manage to escape with the module. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Intro. Introduction to the game. Allen is later sent on an undercover mission in Russia for the CIA, joining Makarov disguised as terrorist Alexi Borodin in a massacre of civilians at the Zakhaev International Airport in Moscow. While they manage to evade capture by Russian forces, Makarov, aware of Allens identity, kills him during extraction, leaving his body to spark a war between Russia and the United States of America. Gratis Peta Surabaya Terbaru. Angered by what was believed to be an American supported terrorist attack, Russia retaliates with a massive surprise invasion on the United States after bypassing its early warning system, revealing that the ACS module Mac. Tavish and Sanderson recovered had already been compromised before its retrieval. Army Ranger Sergeant Foley leads his squad of fellow Rangers, including Cpl. Dunn and Allens replacement Pvt. James Ramirez, in defense of a suburb in north eastern Virginia against the Russian invasion. During their assault in a Russian occupied suburban neigborhood, Shepard contacts Foley and orders his squad to extract an HVI, claiming that he has intel vital to the war effort. Upon arriving at the HVIs safe house, Foley and his squad discover the safe house breached and HVI murdered along with several deceased soldiers bearing odd tattoos. Foley takes notice that the safe room was not forcefully breached as Dunn checks bodies for intel. They later proceed towards a war torn Washington, D. C., where U. S. forces are fighting the Russians for control of the capital city. Foley and his squad proceed to the Russian occupied Capital building where they are tasked with destroying emplaced AA guns that prevent the Army from evacuating civilians. They later provide air support for U. S. forces onboard a helicopter but are soon shot down out of the sky. The squad, running low on ammunition, make a last stand against the Russian Army before a sudden flash halts the their attack. Meanwhile, the 1. Makarov as the mastermind behind the airport massacre, as all proof of Makarovs involvement died with Allen. Intelligence leads them to a Favela in Rio de Janeiro, where the team investigates leads on Makarovs contact, weapons dealer Alejandro Rojas. They find out from Rojas that Makarovs worst enemy, known as Prisoner 6. Russian gulag in Petropavlosk. On the orders of Shepherd, the Task Force are sent to infiltrate an oil platform off the coast of Russia in order to rescue several hostages before assaulting the gulag. The Task Force assaults the prison and manages to free 6. Captain John Price, who was previously captured during Operation Kingfish. Price agrees to aid Soap and Shepherd in tracking down Makarov, with Soap handing the command of the Unit over to Price. While Shepherd believes that they must continue their hunt for Makarov, Price decides that ending the war in America is their first priority. To end it, he temporarily goes rogue, and leads the 1. Russian port, where they gain control of a nuclear submarine. Price uses the submarine to launch a ballistic missile towards Washington D. C. He sets the warhead to detonate in the upper atmosphere, which unintentionally destroys the International Space Station and creates an electromagnetic pulse, which cripples vehicles and electronic equipment on both sides, giving the Americans a slight advantage. Back in the United States, Ramirez and his fellow squad mates seek shelter from the disabled aircraft that are now literally falling from the sky, and proceed to the White House after running into Pvt. Vaughn, who tells the squad that Colonel Marshall is assembling whatever forces he can to retake the White House, which is now a stronghold for the Russian Army. After finally meeting Col. Marshall, he orders the squad that taking the White House is their top priority, but they later receive a transmission informing them that the Air Force is preparing to carpet bomb the entire city to deny the Russians a strong foothold.