Health Safety Policy Statement Part 2 Brith Services Ltd. The information contained in the General Procedure part of this Health Safety Policy does not cover all aspects of the works carried out by the Company, only some of the main issues. Full details of safety information can be found in the Companys Health Safety library which is kept at Head Office. Part 3 of the Policy contains useable safety documentation and further guidance. Contents information Part 2. General Health Safety Procedures. General Health Safety Procedures Part 2 Cover Page. General Health Safety Procedures Part 2 Contents Pages. Rediff MoneyWiz, the personal finance service from Rediff. Working Documentation Appendices Part 3 Contents Pages. Health Safety Legislation Register. Section 5 Abrasive Wheels. Also see Abrasive Wheel Hot Works Permit to Work Part 3 Appendices SectionSection 6 Accidents, Dangerous Occurrences, Near Miss Incidents and Diseases. Emergency procedure if you are the injured person. Emergency procedure if you come across someone who has been injured. All accidents, dangerous occurrences, near misses and diseases. National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN ISO 1412232001A12010. It is identical to ISO 1412232001, incorporating amendment 12010. Vite Dcouvrez nos rductions sur loffre Batterie pour quad sur Cdiscount. Livraison rapide et conomies garantiesFacts and evidence regarding accidents, dangerous occurrences, near misses and diseases. Vehicle accidents emergencies. In the event of a road traffic accident. Reporting of accidents Management ResponsibilitiesSection 7 Alcohol, Drug Substance Abuse Policy. Section 9 Asbestos Policy. Introduction. The objective. The three main types of asbestos found. Compliance with Safety Standards. Employees awareness of asbestos precautions and controls. Client requirements. Information required from Clients. Monitoring. Vetting Licensed Contractors. Emergency arrangements for employees. Emergency arrangements for Managers. References. Asbestos project plan checklist controlled waste transfer notice see Part 3 Appendices SectionSection 1. Audit Procedures for Safety Management System. Section 1. 1 Bomb Threats and Attacks. Section 1. 2 Carpentry. Regulations. Guarding General Principles. Some basic points on cutters. Cross cut Saws. Hand held Circular Saws. Section 1. 3 Confined Spaces General Precautions. Section 1. 4 Construction Design Management Regulations 2. Industry Guidance. These Are The 10 Worst Chicago Neighborhoods. We used science and data to determine which Chicago hoods are the pits. Mega archive porn tube clips, teen amateur asian mature content, updated daily. Fusetronics Part Number Manufacturers Part Number Description C520100MA C520 100 R 5x15 2AG Fast 100mA Glass 250VAC C5181 C518 1A 5x15 2AG Fast 100mA. BS 5588111997. Contents Committees responsible Foreword. Page Inside front cover iv. Section 1. General 1 Scope 2 References 3 Definitions 4 Use of this code Section 2. Bs 5395 Part 3' title='Bs 5395 Part 3' />Section 1. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. Section 1. 6 Damage to Services. Electrical Cables. Gas Mains. Other Services. Section 1. 7 Demolition Strip out. Section 1. 9 Working with Electricity. Section 2. 0 Excavations Groundworks. Excavating. Excavation Supports. Guardrails for excavations, shafts and manholes, etc. Toeboards for excavations, shafts and manholes, etc. Spoil heaps. Inspection of excavations. Section 2. 1 Avoiding Danger from Potential Underground Hazards. Locating Underground Services and other potential hazards. Plant and equipment selection. Trial holing. Piling. Avoiding Danger from Potential Underground Hazards flowchart. Section 2. 2 Excavators Mechanical DiggersPrior to any selection and delivery of plant such as 3. Pre site delivery checks. Site delivery checks. Before operating. Whilst operating. When the machine is not being operated. References. Section 2. Fire Precautions. Fire Action Plan for Site Operations. Fire Action Plan for Offices Yard Sites. The Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2. Fire Check List. References. Section 2. 5 Company Fire Policy. Section 2. 6 First Aid. Introduction. Company Requirements for First Aid. First Aiders. Appointed Persons. First Aid Kits and other provisions. First Aid Record. Section 2. 7 Fixed, Portable Mobile Machines General Requirements. Regulations. Main requirements. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. Guarding General Principles. Safe operation of machines, equipment and tools. Training. Plant Layout. Lighting requirements for using tools equipment machines. Ventilation requirements for equipment. Harmful substances connected with tools equipment machines. Noise generated by tools equipment machines. Asrock 945 Sound Driver. Stability of Mobile Work Equipment. Section 2. 8 Forklifts and Telescopic Material Handlers. Section 2. 9 Gas Electrical Services Precautions. Gas services. The Gas Safety Management Regulations 1. Reporting of gas incidents. Gas escape procedures. General. All gas escapes general procedures. Procedures to be taken by the operative on site. Evacuation criteria. Gas Appliance Safety Regulations 1. Electricity Acts. IEE Wiring Regulations. Section 3. 0 General Public Safety. Section 3. 1 Hand arm Vibration Syndrome HAVSSummary of the problem. Risk factors. Hierarchy Controls. Vibration management programme. Identifying hazardous work and assessing the risk. Implementing preventative programmes to control the risk of injury process, design, selection, modification. Requirements for a Hand Arm Vibration Risk Assessment. Tool selection and maintenance. Training and information for operators and Managers Site Managers Supervisors. Limitation of duration of exposure. Gloves. Health surveillance programme general. Pre employment assessment. Routine assessment. Management of the affected worker. T ool purchasing policy. References. Section 3. Employees Guide to Hand arm Vibration Syndrome. What is hand arm vibration syndrome What are the signs to look for Who is at risk How can it be preventedWhat else can be done Section 3. Health Surveillance. Section 3. 4 Health Safety in the Offices Yard Etc. Workplace Health, Safety Welfare Regulations 1. Application. Maintenance. Ventilation. Temperature. Lighting. Cleanliness and Tidiness. Workspace. Workstations Seating. Floors and Traffic Routes. Precautions against persons or objects falling. Fencing and Covers. Ladders. Roof work. Stacking and Racking. Loading and Unloading Vehicles. Danger Areas. Glazing. Windows. Doors and Gates. Traffic Routes. Sanitary Conveniences and Washing Facilities. Drinking Water. Accommodation for clothing and changing. Facilities for rest and meals. Further information. Section 3. 5 Display Screen Equipment. Introduction. Application. Risk Assessment. Information and Training. Sight Tests. Section 3. Ladders General Use and Precautions. Introduction. Portable ladders. Classification. Timber ladders. Metal ladders. Suspended ladders. Ladder towers. Extension ladders. Access to and from ladders. Inspection of ladders. Section 3. 8 Control of Lead At Work. Section 3. 9 Leptospirosis. Section 4. 0 Lifting Operations. Lifting Appliance Introduction. Lifting Gear Introduction. Lifting Plans. Safety Inspections of Lifting Appliances. The requirements for Banksmen Slingers. Duties of the Banksmen Slingers. Quality of lifting equipment. Marking of lifting equipment. Chain slings. Repairs. Defects. Wire rope slings. Making wire rope slings. Bulldog grips. Defects. Broken wires. Fibre rope slings. Flat lifting slings. Hooks. Eyebolts. Shackles. Proprietary lifting equipment. Types of sling. Chain shortening clutch. Spreader beams. Endless sling. Sling attachment. Sling selection. Slinging precautions. Weather Conditions and environment. Storage of Lifting Equipment. Attachment of pulley blocks and gin wheels. Hand Signals. Slewing areas of plant. References. Section 4. Lifting Appliance Erection. Lifting appliance information. Suitability of lifting appliances. Competency of erectors. Erection, maintenance and dismantling procedures. Service records. Section 4. Lone Workers. Section 4. Lorry Loaders. Section 4. Material and Passenger Hoists. Section 4. 5 Manual Handling.