Adobe Flash Samples' title='Adobe Flash Samples' />Thank you, I looked at the TCP example Adobe had up and saved the package in an AS file, and it is imported into the Flash document. This is the script. TCP Client Flash AS3. Each month, over 5. This time to explore the new Adobe AIR 2. Server Socket API. Socket import flash. ByteArray. This is a wonderful example. Experts Exchange Questions Socket in Flash SWF. Counter Strike 1.6 Version 48. Adobe Flash 2. I need XML file crossdomain. Digi Pro Pen Tablet Driver there. Greetings POLOLU COMMUNITY, My enquiry is for your guidance, formatting or example with my project PROJECT Adobe Flash AS3 UI sending TTL via AS3 Socket Class to. Yesterday was completely fine. But now its giving me Socket. I have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player, 23. With Adobe Flash Player versions later than 9. A SWF file attempts a socket or XMLSocket. Socketio_messages.png' alt='Adobe Flash 10' title='Adobe Flash 10' />Stack Overflow to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Join the worlds largest developer community.